Retail payments council to review payment statistics


At its first meeting, the retail payments council decided to conduct a review of the payment statistics that will be needed in the future. The background to this is that the market is changing rapidly with new, innovative payment services. The council will also set up a working group to discuss issues relating to regulation and issues of importance to the Swedish and European payment markets. The next meeting of the retail payments council will be held in the autumn of 2015 when, among other things, a more long-term work programme will be discussed.


The retail payments council is a forum for consultation and discussion concerning the Swedish market for payment services and consists of a wide circle of players and authorities, including the Riksbank, who are involved on the retail payment markets. The aim is to promote the functioning of the Swedish market for payment services. The objective of the council is to contribute to the economically-efficient production and consumption of safe, efficient, accessible and appropriate payment services on a market characterised by competition on equal terms and well-balanced regulation. The retail payments council will assist with a comprehensive analysis of central issues from the producer, consumer and and authority perspectives.


You can read the council's communiqué here.

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