More people know more and more about the banknote and coin changeover


Nine out of ten Swedes now know that Sweden is getting new banknotes and coins, and awareness of the date they become invalid is beginning to grow. This is the result of a Riksbank-commissioned survey of the general public and employees within the retail trade.

Awareness that Sweden is getting new banknotes and coins has now reached 100 per cent among bank employees and 98 per cent among shop employees. Among the general public, 9 out of 10 people know that Sweden is getting new banknotes and coins, which is an increase since the last survey. Awareness of the timetable and the security features has also notably increased among all three groups, particularly among the general public and shop employees. Bank employees remain the most aware.


The way in which people have obtained information regarding Sweden's new banknotes and coins differs somewhat between bank and shop employees. The main sources of information for both bank and shop employees are the workplace (92 and 54% respectively) and the media (72 and 78% respectively), but also the Riksbank's information brochure (59 and 53% respectively). Among the general public, 42% state that they obtained information via the brochure, but the main source of information was the media (82%). Knowledge of the new security features ranges from 41 to 66% among the different target groups.


"It is pleasing that awareness of the banknote and coin changeover has increased both at banks and shops as well as among the general public. This is also the case in every area questioned. It is particularly great that the proportion of people who already know when the first banknotes will become invalid has increased significantly. The message that you need to tilt the banknote to see whether it is authentic also appears to have got through," says Ann-Leena Mikiver, Head of Communications at the Riksbank.


The survey was conducted via telephone by TNS Sifo in October, and involved interviews with 200 shop employees, 100 bank employees and 2,000 members of the general public (aged 15 and older).

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