The first new banknotes will be issued in October 2015


The introduction of Sweden’s new banknotes and coins will begin in October 2015. First will come the new 20-, 50-, 200- and 1 000-krona banknotes, which will be released in October 2015. A year later, in October 2016, they will be followed by the new 100- and 500-krona banknotes and the new 1-, 2- and 5-krona coins.

Following consultations with the participants in the cash market, the Executive Board of the Riksbank has decided on a schedule for the introduction of Sweden's new banknotes and coins. The introduction will take place in two stages.

The new 20-, 50-, 200- and 1 000-krona banknotes will be released in October 2015

The first stage will begin in October 2015 when the Riksbank will begin to issue the new 20-, 50-, 200- and 1 000-krona banknotes. At the same time, the issue of the present banknotes in equivalent denominations will be discontinued. The Riksbank will ask the Riksdag to declare the present 20-, 50- and 1 000-krona banknotes invalid as of 30 June 2016*.

The new 100- and 500-krona banknotes, and the new coins, will be released in October 2016

The second stage will begin in October 2016 when the new 100- and 500-krona banknotes will be issued. At the same time, the issue of the present banknotes in these denominations will be discontinued. The new 1-, 2- and 5-krona coins will also be introduced at this time. The Riksbank will ask the Riksdag to declare the present 100- and 500-kronan banknotes and the present 1-, 2- and 5-krona coins invalid as of 30 June 2017*.

Older versions of the 50- and 1 000-krona banknotes

At present, there are two valid versions of the 50- and 1 000-krona banknotes. To facilitate the introduction of the new banknotes, the Riksbank has asked the Riksdag to declare the older versions of the 50- and 1 000-krona banknotes, which among other things lack foil strips, invalid as of 31 December 2013*.

* Invalid banknotes are not worthless

The fact that the banknotes will become invalid does not mean they will be worthless. When a banknote becomes invalid you can no longer use it as a means of payment. Once the banknotes have become invalid there will be a period in which the banks will be able to redeem the banknotes. After this period, only the Riksbank will be able to redeem invalid banknotes. The Riksbank will redeem all invalid banknotes, by post, for a charge of SEK 100. Follow the link "Redemption of invalid banknotes" to read more about redeeming invalid banknotes.

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