Changed regulations for collateral
The Riksbank has decided to change the regulations for collateral for loans provided by the Riksbank.
During the financial crisis 2008-2009 the Riksbank made some changes to its regulations regarding collateral. The Riksbank has now revised these regulations and decided on certain changes which include:
the Riksbank will no longer accept securities issued by credit institutions if the securities are not secured or do not have a general or local government guarantee,
some types of securities, including own covered bonds and securities with lower credit ratings, will only be accepted to a maximum value of 40 per cent of a counterparty's total collateral value,
the Riksbank will not accept Asset-Backed Securities.
The new regulations will come into force in April 2013. However, transitional regulations will apply, which means that it is not until 1 July 2014 that the new regulations will apply in full.