Economic commentary: The Riksbank’s dividend in the past two decades

The Riksbank paid in a total of SEK 200 billion to the Treasury for 1988–2010, which corresponds to an average of SEK 8.7 billion per year. In this economic commentary, the authors describe the principles that govern the calculation of the dividend. The commentary also shows how the dividend has developed over the past two decades.

Under the Sveriges Riksbank Act, the General Council of the Riksbank must present a proposal for the allocation of the Riksbank’s profit, most of which is paid into the Treasury. Since 1988, the allocation of profit is calculated in accordance with guidelines established by the General Council and approved by the Riksdag. The detailed guidelines for calculating the dividend were drawn up to achieve stability in the transfers to the Treasury. For 1988–2010, the Riksbank paid in a total of SEK 200 billion to the Treasury and the level of annual dividends was relatively even; on average SEK 8.7 billion per year.


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