www.riksbank.se has had a facelift!


We have updated our website today. The website has a new structure, design and a better search engine. One of the aims of the update has been to create a more vibrant start page with more news features. Another aim is that the website should be easy to navigate and the user should be able to find, for instance, educational material and interest rates and exchange rates. Another new feature is that each of the Executive Board members has their own page which contains information about the speeches and articles they have published while at the Riksbank.

New features:


Clearer start page

We have moved the calendar up and in the middle column we highlight information that is not directly news. You can also find quick links to important subpages and monetary policy key figures.


Structure and design

We have made changes in the main menu and in the design in order to attain a website that is easier to navigate. Interest and exchange rates are now in the main menu on the first page. Schools have their own main heading.


Better search engine

It will be easier to search the website with our improved search engine.



Each of the Executive Board members also has their own page which contains information about the speeches and articles they have published while at the Riksbank.


As on 6 March the following can be accessed:

  • A database of Swedish historical monetary statistics that you can find under the Research menu. The database includes statistics on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the end of the 13th century and a stock market index from the 20th century. 
  • Economic commentaries, which can be found under Press & Published.

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