
The Riksbank's Research Division holds a series of seminars where international researchers present their research. These seminars are usually held once a week on Tuesdays between 13:00 and 14:00 including questions and comments from the participants.

If you have any questions, please contact Erik von Schedvin.


  • January 2016

    • Peter Sarlin, Hanken School of Economics and RiskLab Finland

      Detect & Describe: Deep learning of bank stress in the news

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    • Mikael Juselius, Bank of Finland

      Leverage, the debt service burden, and the natural interest rate

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  • February 2016

    • Eran Yashiv, Tel Aviv University

      Frictions in DSGE Models: Revisiting New Keynesian vs New Classical Results

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    • Oreste Tristani, ECB

      Monetary policy and long-term interest rates

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    • Kurt Mitman, IIES

      Consumption and House Prices in the Great Recession: Model Meets Evidence

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    • Asger Andersen, University of Copenhagen

      Household Debt and Spending During theFinancial Crisis:Evidence from Danish Micro Data

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  • March 2016

    • Patrik Sandås, University of Virginia och SIFR

      What Broker Charges Reveal About Credit Risk

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    • Keith Kuester, University of Bonn

      Doves for the Rich, Hawks for the Poor? Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy

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    • Piero Gottardi, EUI

      A Theory of Repurchase Agreements, Collateral Re-use, and Repo Intermediation

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  • April 2016

    • Stefano Giglio, Chicago Booth

      Excess Volatility: Beyond Discount Rates

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    • John Cochrane, Stanford University

      New views of monetary policy

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    • Jeremy Lise, UCL

      The Macro-dynamics of Sorting between Workers and Firms

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    • Wei Cui, UCL

      Search-Based Endogenous Asset Liquidity and the Macroeconomy

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  • May 2016

  • June 2016

    • Ricardo Reis, Columbia University

      QE in the future

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    • Eric M. Leeper, Indiana University

      Clearing Up the Fiscal Multiplier Morass

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    • Lawrence Christiano, Northwestern University

      Does the New Keynesian Model Have a Uniqueness Problem?

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    • Jose Liberti, DePaul University


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    • Gregor Jarosch, Princeton University

      Statistical Discrimination and Duration Dependence in the Job Finding Rate

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  • July 2016

  • August 2016

    • Patrik Sandås, Virginia University

      Speed and Efficiency of Markets: Empirical Evidence from NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchanges

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    • Farzad Saidi, Stockholm School of Economics

      Life Below Zero: Negative Policy Rates and Bank Risk Taking

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  • September 2016

    • Martin D Evans, Georgetown University


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    • Vasso Ioannidou, Lancaster University

      When Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates on Collateral?

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    • Adrien Auclert, Stanford University

      Inequality and Aggregate Demand 

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    • Scott Baker, Kellogg School of Management

      Income Changes and Consumption: Evidence from the 2013 Federal Government Shutdown

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    • Hiroatsu Tanaka, Board of Governors


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  • October 2016

    • Edward Kung, UCLA

      The Effect of Mortgage Credit Availability on House Prices and Construction: Evidence from a Frontier Estimation Approach

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    • Daniel Paravisini, LSE

      Adverse Selection on Maturity: Evidence from Online Consumer Credit?

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    • Frederic Boissy, BIS

      Macroeconomics of Bank Capital and Liquidity Regulations

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    • Basit Zafar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

      Home Price Expectations and Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Information Experiment

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    • Guido Ascari, Oxford University

      Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions: Leeper (1991) Redux

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  • November 2016

    • Marc Gabarro, Erasmus School of Economics

      Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite? Collateral Eligibility and Bank Risk-Taking?

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    • Laurent Bach, SSE

      Rich Pickings? Risk, Return, and Skill in the Portfolios of the Wealthy

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    • Troy Davig, Kansas City Fed

      Recession Forecasting Using Bayesian Classication

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    • Bernd Schwaab, ECB

      Bank business models at zero interest rates

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  • December 2016

    • Michael Kiley, Federal Reserve Board


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    • Philip Jung, Dortmund University

      What hides behind the German labor market miracle? A macroeconomic analysis 

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    • Christian Wagner, Copenhagen Business School

      Does Central Bank Tone Move Asset Prices?

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    • Seppo Honkapohja, Bank of Finland

      Expectations, Stagnation and Fiscal Policy

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