Results of Auctions 2015-04-16

16 April 2015 Results of Auctions
Auction date 2015-04-16
Loan 1054
ISIN-code SE0003784461
Coupon 3,50 %
Maturity 2022-06-01
Tendered volume, mln SEK 3,500
Volume offered, mln SEK 6,350
Volume bought, mln SEK 3,500
Number of bids 18
Number of accepted bids 11
Average yield 0,060 %
Lowest accepted yield 0,055 %
Highest yield 0,073 %
% accepted at lowest yield 87,50


16 April 2015 Results of Auctions
Auction date 2015-04-16
Loan 1058
ISIN-code SE0005676608
Coupon 2,50 %
Maturity 2025-05-12
Tendered volume, mln SEK 3,500
Volume offered, mln SEK 5,600
Volume bought, mln SEK 3,500
Number of bids 19
Number of accepted bids 13
Average yield 0,232 %
Lowest accepted yield 0,225 %
Highest yield 0,245 %
% accepted at lowest yield 58,33

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