Tae Soo Kang

Bild på Tae Soo KangTae Soo Kang is a Senior Research Fellow at Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP). Previously he was a Deputy Governor at the Bank of Korea in charge of financial stability. He has been active in making contributions to international financial stability. He is a former member of the SCAV (Standing Committee for Assessment of Vulnerability) in the FSB and the MPG (Macroprudential Supervision Group) in the BCBS, and a member of the BCBS. Dr. Kang has become the chair for Working Group on Banking Supervision (WGBS) of Executives' Meeting of East Asia & Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) since July 2012, and the co-chair for SIFI Working Group of FSB Regional Consultative Group for Asia (RCGfA) since November 2012.

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