The Riksbank's reports to the Financial Stability Council

When representatives of the Government, the Riksbank, Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) and the Swedish National Debt Office met on 15 June in the Financial Stability Council, the authorities all contributed reports as bases for discussion. These reports are being published now.

Capital requirements for the major Swedish banks need reviewing

The Riksbank contributed to the meeting with a report on its views regarding the need to review the capital requirements for the major Swedish banks. For one thing, the current risk-weighted capital requirement needs to be reviewed to strengthen the resilience of the Swedish banking system, and for another thing the risk-weighted capital requirement needs to be supplemented with other types of capital requirement, such as floors or the introduction of a leverage ratio.


Finansinspektionen also contributed a report with its views on the future formulation of capital requirements for the major Swedish banks.

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