Dialogue on the market for payment services
The Swedish market for payment services is important to the Swedish economy and to society as a whole. Following an initiative from the Riksbank, a wide circle of players and authorities involved on the retail payment markets have decided to form a Swedish retail payments council. The aim is to promote the functioning of the Swedish market for payment services. The retail payments council will act as a forum for dialogue and consultation concerning the Swedish market for payment services.
The objective of the council is to contribute to the economically-efficient production and consumption of safe, efficient, accessible and appropriate payment services on a market characterised by competition on equal terms and well-balanced regulation. The retail payments council will assist with a comprehensive analysis of central issues from the producer, consumer and and authority perspectives. The council will be able to appoint working groups to study specific issues.
The council will act as a joint resource for all the stakeholders on the market and will therefore strive for transparency in its work. As a rule, the results of the work of the council and its working groups will be published. The Riksbank will act as the convenor of the council and be responsible for the required practical administrative work by providing the council's secretariat.
The retail payments council will meet twice a year, or when the need arises, and the members are:
- Swedish Bankers' Association
- Pan-Nordic Card Association
- Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
- Swedish Trade Federation
- Swedish Consumers' Association
- Bankgirot
- Other suppliers of payment services(1)
- National Post and Telecom Agency
- Dalarna County Administrative Board
- Ministry of Finance (observer)
- Finansinspektionen (observer)
- Swedish Competition Authority
- The Riksbank
(1) Other suppliers of payment services refers to providers of payments services who are not banks, such as payment institutions, institutions for electronic money and so on.